Saturday, July 25, 2009

Voice. Witness. Speak up. Be loud.-Healthcare.

Voice. Witness. Commentary. Opinion. Rant. Christian Catholic of Irish descent. Citizen of the World. Participant in the Democracy of the US. Angry but optimistic. Say what you think; I think what I say. Change your world yourself. Doesn't take a village; it takes you. "Right now, it's your tomorrow."-Van Halen...Yes, right now is our tomorrow, what are you waiting for? At least speak up so we can hear you. I will. Lincoln said he was "more concerned what the grandson will be than what the grandfather was"...not bad advice from a man who saved our young country. Van Halen and Lincoln quoted in the same About...I'm not even angry now, just inspired to speak up.

Health care is not the great mystery the pols are making it out to be. Competition. Quality ratings for health care systems. Transparency. Electronic Medical Records. Access to information.

Competition is good for everyone. Especially true with health care. The level of patient customer service will rise when health care systems, providers, and professionals are competing for our money. Even more importantly, industry standards for health care systems, providers, etc. If they are not being met, federal reimbursements don't get paid to them. Out of pocket costs for patients will rise and they'll go elsewhere. Why pay for something that isn't good? It's that simple.

Transparency. Across every procedure, every referral, and every prescription. A mathematical value to the % cost of plan payment and individual payment share. Why shouldn't all individuals have the right to negotiate "cash" rates for their health care? It's good biz.

Electronic records management. Efficiency, safety, and portability. Nothing else needs to be added.

Right now is is our tomorrow.

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